Create Ticket to Purchase
Create tickets or sponsor packages to purchase from the Home page order form or a custom page with an order form . Assign seats from Seating Management with GiveSmart ticketing. Watch a video Create a ticket From the Tickets conta...
Add Discount Codes to Tickets
Single or Multiple discount codes can be added to a created ticket. Discount codes can be added to existing ticket types or included at the time of creation. Visit Create an Event Ticket to learn more. Single Discount Code Set up a Single Code...
Ask Questions to Attendees
Include questions purchasers and or attendees can answer at the time of purchase or confirmation. Meal choice, seating preference, dietary restrictions, and more can be captured. Visit Ticketing Reports to learn more about where to review or dow...
Delete a Ticket Type
Delete created ticket types from the campaign. If a ticket has been sold, that type is no longer able to be deleted. Delete a Ticket Type From the Tickets Container within the Dashboard, click the More button ("···"). Select Settings. Locate th...
Edit Attendees in Ticket Orders
Review, update and manage invitees and attendees in ticket orders. Watch a video Access ticket orders Visit the Tickets Container within the Dashboard , and click the More button ( "···" ). Select Manage Orders . Review attendee ...
Filter Ticket Orders
Ticket Orders Filters Filter your orders by Ticket Type and Ticket Assignment. Click View Admin > Tickets > Ticket Orders. Locate the Filter By dropdown and Select. A panel with the filters will form. Filter the information by selecting the p...
Purchase a Ticket for a Supporter
Enter all ticket purchases outside of the Order Form, such as phoned or mailed in. Assign complimentary tickets or assist guests who prefer not to purchase electronically. Once the order is entered, both the purchaser and any attendees are reflect a...
Purchaser and Attendee Information
Purchasers are required to provide their name, email address, phone, mailing address, and provide additional information requested from a User Custom Field (optional) at the time of purchase. You can choose to capture and require information fr...
Return a Ticket Order
Org and Campaign admins can return full ticket orders and choose how to handle the original payment. Returning an order removes all tickets, items, and donations. Unconfirmed invitees are removed from the Users tab and confirmed attendees show a...
Send Assignment or Confirmation Reminders
Send reminders to encourage purchasers who have unassigned tickets to update their orders with the names of those attending or a reminder encouraging attendees who have yet to confirm their tickets to accept their invitation to attend. Watch a vide...
Update Purchaser Order Details
All completed ticket purchases appear in Ticket Orders to review, update, or return by an Org or Campaign Admin. Update Purchaser Contact Information Updates to a ticket purchaser's valid email, phone or address are made in their user account. F...
Ticketing Email Template
The below template encourages users to purchase tickets, attendees to register, and a quick how-to bid guide. Ticketing Email Template.docx Dear Guests, The excitement has reached a fever pitch and we are looking forward to seeing you at (FUNDR...
Ticket Purchase Notifications
Ticket purchasers, through an order form, automatically receive a text and an email notification upon payment. Admins, who enter a ticket order can choose to send text and email notifications as well. Tip: Notifications can only be sent to pu...
Ticketing FAQs
Can discount codes be added to a ticket? Yes. Multiple discount codes can be applied to each ticket. Visit Create Ticket Types to learn more. Can an applied discount code be removed from a ticket? Applied codes can't be deleted. To correct, t...