Section and Page Templates

Use these templates to create sections and pages highlighting the details of your campaign.

Note: Please exercise caution when using these templates. Assistance is limited in our ability to help resolve any issues as a result of your customization.

Applying a template 

  1. Copy the template code below.
  2. From your custom section or custom page, click edit content.
  3. Select the source code (< >) option from the rich text editor.
  4. Paste the template code.
  5. Replace the placeholder title, button text, and content found in the template code (ex. "SECTION HEADER TEXT HERE", "ENTER BUTTON TEXT HERE", "ENTER CONTENT HERE").
  6. If your template includes a YouTube video, replace the placeholder video link text found in the template code (ex. "YOUTUBE VIDEO TOKEN HERE") with the YouTube token.
  7. When you've finished, click Save.


Section Announcement Template

<h3 class="text-dark semibold" style="text-align: center;">SECTIN HEADER TEXT HERE</h3>
<h2 class="pad-bottom" style="text-align: center;">MAIN HEADER TEXT HERE</h2>
<p class="grid-12 pad-4-bottom">ENTER CONTENT HERE</p>
Note: Visit Add a Link or Button in a Section or Page to include a link/button within the announcement.


Four Up YouTube Video Template

<div style="overflow:auto; height:100%;width:100%;"><h1 style="text-align: center;">MAIN HEADER TEXT<br /><span class="text-24 normal">MAIN SUBHEADER TEXT HERE</span></h1><div class="grid-12"><div class="grid-6 s-grid-12 text-center pad s-pad-0"><h3>VIDEO ONE HEADER TEXT HERE</h3><p class="semibold">video one subheader text here</p><iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src=" VIDEO TOKEN HERE" width="200" height="200" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen=""> </iframe></div><div class="grid-6 s-grid-12 text-center pad s-pad-0"><h3>VIDEO TWO HEADER TEXT HERE</h3><p class="semibold">video two subheader text</p><iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src=" VIDEO TOKEN HERE" width="200" height="200" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen=""> </iframe></div></div><div class="grid-12"><div class="grid-6 s-grid-12 text-center pad s-pad-0"><h3>VIDEO THREE HEADER TEXT HERE</h3><p class="semibold">video three subheader text here</p><iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src=" VIDEO TOKEN HERE" width="200" height="200" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen=""> </iframe></div><div class="grid-6 s-grid-12 text-center pad s-pad-0"><h3>VIDEO FOUR HEADER TEXT HERE</h3><p class="semibold">video four subheader text</p><iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src=" VIDEO TOKEN HERE" width="200" height="200" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></div></div></div>


Two Up YouTube Video Template

<h1 style="text-align: center;">MAIN HEADER TEXT HERE<br /><span class="text-24 normal">MAIN SUBHEADER TEXT HERE</span></h1><div class="grid-12"><div class="grid-6 s-grid-12 text-center pad s-pad-0"><h3>VIDEO ONE HEADER TEXT HERE</h3><p class="semibold">video one subheader text</p><iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src=" VIDEO TOKEN HERE" width="200" height="200" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen=""> </iframe></div><div class="grid-6 s-grid-12 text-center pad s-pad-0"><h3>VIDEO TWO HEADER TEXT</h3><p class="semibold">video two subheader text here</p><iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src=" VIDEO TOKEN HERE" width="200" height="200" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen=""> </iframe></div></div>


Four Up Image Template

<h1 style="text-align: center;">MAIN HEADER TEXT HERE<br /><span class="text-24 normal">MAIN SUBHEADER TEXT HERE</span></h1><div class="grid-12"><div class="grid-6 s-grid-12 text-center pad s-pad-0"><h3>IMAGE ONE HEADER HERE</h3><p class="semibold">image one subheader</p><img src="FULL URL OF IMAGE ONE LINK HERE" alt="" /></div><div class="grid-6 s-grid-12 text-center pad s-pad-0"><h3>IMAGE TWO HEADER HERE</h3><p class="semibold">image two subheader here</p><img src="FULL URL OF IMAGE TWO LINK HERE" alt="" /></div></div><div class="grid-12"><div class="grid-6 s-grid-12 text-center pad s-pad-0"><h3>IMAGE THREE HEADER HERE</h3><p class="semibold">image three subheader here</p><img src="FULL URL OF IMAGE THREE LINK HERE" alt="" /></div><div class="grid-6 s-grid-12 text-center pad s-pad-0"><h3>IMAGE FOUR HEADER HERE</h3><p class="semibold">image four subheader here</p><img src="FULL URL OF IMAGE FOUR LINK HERE" alt="" /></div></div> 
Tip: For best results, make sure your images are all the same size.


Two Up Image Template

<h1 style="text-align: center;">MAIN HEADER TEXT HERE<br /><span class="text-24 normal">MAIN SUBHEADER TEXT HERE</span></h1><div class="grid-12"><div class="grid-6 s-grid-12 text-center pad s-pad-0"><h3>IMAGE ONE HEADER HERE</h3><p class="semibold">IMAGE ONE SUBHEADER HERE</p><img src="FULL URL OF IMAGE ONE LINK HERE" alt="" width="300"/></div><div class="grid-6 s-grid-12 text-center pad s-pad-0"><h3>IMAGE TWO HEADER HERE</h3><p class="semibold">IMAGE TWO SUBHEADER HERE</p><img src="FULL URL OF IMAGE TWO LINK HERE" alt="" width="300" /></div></div> 
Tip: For best results, make sure your images are all the same size.


Two Column Two Imageo Row Template

<div class="grid-12"><h1 class="text-center">MAIN HEADER TEXT</h1><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p></div><div class="grid-12 borderbottom pad-4-bottom"><div class="grid-8 s-grid-12 pad s-pad-0"><h2>SECTON HEADER ONE</h2><p>SECTION ONE CONTENT</p></div><div class="grid-4 s-grid-12 text-center pad s-pad-0"><img src="URL OF SECTION ONE IMAGE" alt="" width="300" /></div></div><div class="grid-12 pad-4-vert"><div class="grid-4 s-grid-12 text-center pad s-pad-0"><img src="URL OF SECTION TWO IMAGE" alt="" width="300" /></div><div class="grid-8 s-grid-12 pad s-pad-0"><h2>SECTION ONE HEADER</h2><p>SECTION TWO CONTENT</p></div></div>