Offer a Multi-Raffle Discount

Include multi-discounts

  1. Select or create the Raffle item.
  2. Scroll to the Numbering and Pricing section.
  3. Click Add Multi-Raffle Discount.
    • If +Add Multi-Raffle Discount is selected, an additional option to Hide base price from user will appear.  This will hide the single ticket purchase option from user view.
  4. Enter the Quantity and Price for each multi-raffle discount offered.
  5. When you've finished, click Save.

Note: If a user purchases multiple raffle items by entering in their own quantity. The platform will automatically recognize the amount the user should be discounted. For example, if one raffle ticket is sold for $5, three raffle tickets are sold for $10 and 5 raffle tickets are sold for $15, if a user purchases eight raffle tickets, the total will equal $25 (3 for $10 and 5 for $15). 




Note: If hide base price from user is selected, users can still purchase single raffle tickets via quantity field.  This does not prohibit single ticket entry purchases.

Important:  Assign a true base price for a single ticket.