Track items based on the number of bids, how many different bidders were engaged per item, the final price sold, and the percentage of FMV. Review items that were successful and well-received by your supporters. Benefit future solicitations by securing successful donations from prior fundraising.
- From the Admin Navigation, select Reports > Top Items.
Top items measurements
By Bids
Silent items by the number of bids placed.
By Bidders
The number of individuals bids placed on each silent item.
By Price
The amount of each item sold.
By % of FMV
The percent of each item sold compared to the fair market value (FMV) price.
- Below FMV Price - If FMV is $100 and the item sold for $20, the percentage of the FMV would be 20%.
- Above FMV Price - If FMV is $100 and the item sold for $120, the percentage of the FMV would be $120%.
Summary section
Bar Graphs
Top items based on four measures of success, By Bidders, By Bids, By Price, and By percentage of Fair Market Value (FMV). Each graph displays the top five items.
Details report
Note: User custom fields are included if set.
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