Donations FAQs

Text to Donate

If a donor texts 'give AMOUNT' to 76278 but does not have a phone number on their profile or has not registered for the campaign, what will happen?  

There are 2 scenarios that could occur: 

Scenario 1

If the donor is sending the text from a mobile number that has never been on any GiveSmart campaign, they will receive an invalid text response.   See the invalid text message response below. 

Scenario 2

If the donor is sending the text from a mobile number registered on a prior GiveSmart campaign, then the donation will be applied to that campaign.  

What is the invalid text message that a donor will receive? 

When a donor sends a text response GiveSmart does not have an action for, or if they do not have a phone number that has been registered to a GiveSmart campaign, they will receive the following invalid text response:  "Sorry! Your text was not valid.  Please try again or ask an Auction Administrator for assistance.  Text STOP to stop, HELP for help."

Can a donor be reflected as anonymous after their donation is made?

Yes. If a donor wants to be reflected as anonymous after making a donation, an admin can go to View Site > Donate, locate the donor, click on the donation, and check the Display as Anonymous box.

Can I see which donors checked the box to be anonymous?

Yes. Visit the Revenue report and click Donations to filter to only donation revenue. From the Details, scroll to the far right to see the last column which shows who checked to remain Anonymous. Donors who checked the box will include YES in the column.

 Items Donations


Can supporters donate an item through the campaign site?

Yes. Include a section on the Home page that includes a Donate an Item Now button to a form a supporter can complete to donate an item to your upcoming fundraiser. 

Can the item donation form be customized?

No. At this time the Item donation form is not customizable. It can only be shown or hidden on the home page as an additional section.

 Recurring Donations


What types of payments can be used? 

Any payment type can be accepted when paying the initial transaction from a campaign, with the assistance of an Admin.  However, a credit card is required for donations placed on the Home page Donate Now section and all future scheduled transactions found in the Org Hub.

Where can I view my funding from recurring donation credit card transactions? 

The initial donation funds can be found in the campaign’s batch reports.  All subsequently completed transactions can be found on the Org Hubs > Reports page.

Are recurring donations reflected in the displays? 

Yes, the initial recurring donation made on the campaign is reflected in the display.  All subsequent donations will not be reflected in a campaign display. 

Is it possible to refund a recurring donation? 

Yes. Reach out to our Support team to submit a request to process the refund.   

Does a recurring donor receive an email each month? 

Yes. A donor will receive an email each month when their recurring donation is placed.  Click here to view an example of this email: Recurring Donor Email Example

Do Admin receive a notification when a subsequent recurring donation is placed? 

Yes, Org Admin will receive an email notification alerting them when a subsequent recurring activity occurs.  This message can be triggered when the subsequent recurring donation is charged, when the transaction fails or when the card on file is <30days until expiration.