If a donation added needs to be returned, it can be removed from the user's cart by an admin. Donations removed after payment will require a refund.
From the Donate page
Return a Click to Donate, Home page, and Champion donation
Donations made via the Click to Donate, Home page Donate Now form, or through a Champion personal fundraising pages must be deleted from the Donate page.
- Go to the View Site > Donate.
- Locate and select the donor with the donation to be deleted.
- Click Delete Donation.
- Click Yes, Delete.
Return a donation made on a Donate item
Donations can be deleted either from the donate items history or activity.
From the item history
Donations added can be deleted from the Donate item located on the Donate page.
- Go to View Site > Donate.
- Locate and select the Donate item.
- Click the + to the left of Item History.
- Locate the donor's name to delete the donation.
- Select Delete.
- Click Yes, Delete.
From the Users Checkout Cart
Return Donations from a user's cart while reviewing their orders from Checkout if needed.
When returning a donation from the Checkout page, they can be removed before or after payment.
Return before payment
- From the Admin Navigation, select Users > Checkout
- Locate the user.
- Click Begin Checkout.
- Locate the donation.
- Click the blue Return Donation.
- Click Return.
Return after payment
Applicable for donations paid by credit card.
- From the Admin Navigation, select Users > Checkout
- Locate the user.
- Click Begin Checkout or View Order History.
- Locate the item.
- Click the blue Return.
6. Select from the available options to complete the return.
Return Options
Decide what would you like to do with the payment before returning the donation.
Leave as Credit
Donation is cancelled. Payments remain on the user's account to apply to future purchases.
Refund to Card
Donation is cancelled. The payment is fully refunded to the card used for the payment. Typically, a refund will reflect on the purchaser's card statement within 5 - 7 banking days. Credit cards fees are not returned to the organization during a refund, however, when the purchaser opts to pay the credit card fees those fees will be refunded for the full purchase price + fees to the user.
Delete a recurring donation
The initial donation is deleted within the campaign from the Donate page. Subsequent scheduled donations are returned from Org Hub > Transactions.