Donations Settings

Increase fundraising by maximizing the pathways supporters can donate. Allow supporters to make monetary donations and secure their payment through the Donate Now section on the Home page, or through champion fundraising. Also, allow supporters to pledge a donation through the Donate page, Click to Donate, custom donate items, or text to donate options.

Security Enhancements: Community Brands continues to invest in providing the latest security technology for your safety. This includes enabling additional reCAPTCHA on payment forms to further protect your organization and donors.  

Finally, allow supporters to donate an item through the Item Donation Form.

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Access Donation Settings

  1. From the Admin Navigation, select Donations >  Settings.

Donate Page

Show or Hide the Donate page and Click to Donate. The image that appears on the Click to Donate cannot be edited. 

Text to Donate

Allow supporters to donate monetarily regardless if they attend the event. Supporters can simply click a button on the Home page and complete their donation with a credit card payment. The description and donation levels can optionally appear in an Order Form. Include or link or button to other information within the Description field. A script tag cannot be included in any embed code.

Note: The character limit for the Donate Now description is 1,000 characters, which includes HTML coding. 

Donation levels

We’ve preset the most common donation levels, but you have the option to customize your own. In addition to the levels specified, donors will have the option to donate any amount of their choice. Donation levels appear in the Donate Now section of the Home page, the Order Form, champion personal fundraising pages, and in custom Donate items with donation levels.

Note: Create up to 15 custom donation levels, with a maximum of 100 characters.

Recurring donation

Allow supporters to choose if they want their monetary donation to be a one-time transaction or a recurring transaction on a monthly basis. If a supporter opts for the monthly frequency, their credit card will automatically be charged on the same day each month for the amount of the original donation. When shown, supporters can choose a one-time or monthly donation option from the Donate Now form and Click to Donate.

Note: Revenue from the first donation will be included in the campaign totals. All subsequent donations can be managed in the Transactions tab of your Hub.

Item Donations

Allow supporters to donate items such as vacation homes, sports tickets, gift cards, and more. Supporters can simply click a button on the Home page and fill in details of their contributions including name, description, fair market value (FMV), and images. Org and campaign admins are notified via email of the donation.