Remove a User from an Event Site

This article outlines the steps for removing users with no activity in an Event Site. If a user is linked to any activity on the site (such as purchases, bids, donations, or payments/refunds), the option to remove them will be unavailable. Activity also includes users linked to a champion fundraiser or entered as a donor or solicitor on an item.

IMPORTANT: To maintain data integrity, the option to remove a user will not be available if they are linked to any activity (current or deleted) within the site. This also applies to users that were carried over from a copied site. Generally, the only time a user can be removed is right after a bulk upload of new users.

Remove a user

  1. Visit Dashboard > Users Container > More button ("···") > Manage Users.
  2. Locate the user.
  3. Select the user account to open User Details on the right-hand side.
  4. Click the Actions dropdown.
  5. Select Remove User, if available.

Don't see the option to remove a user?

The selected user either has current or deleted activity. For data integrity purposes, the option to remove a user will not available for a particular user if:

  • The user has made a purchase or has a processed refund within the Event Site.
  • The user has activity (current or deleted) including as donations, bids, or item donations. 
  • The user had previously saved their credit card on file.