2024 Q1

Jan 1 - Mar 31

GiveSmart Events

New Feature

  • GiveSmart Item Shop:  GiveSmart has a new partnership which offers a curate, best-selling, highly-vetted collection of vacations, sports & memorabilia, experiences and jewelry to help you maximize revenue at your fundraising event.  View more information about the item shop here


  • GiveSmart Events User ID: within the user details page, a new ID Field is visible allowing organizations who own Donor CRM to easily reference a users Events ID. 
  • User Import Duplicate Identifier: when uploading a guest list, if duplicates are detected, a popup will appear letting you know how many duplicates have been identified with a link to review.  
  • Profile Management Improvements: guided steps and links have been provided to purchasers who attempt to modify their existing contact information while completing a purchase.  They are now redirected to their donor profile to apply any contact changes, thus eliminating the potential for duplicate accounts to be created. 
  • Improved Ticket Experience: ticket attendees and purchasers are provided additional guidance to assist with account creation. 
  • Unassignment Email Notification Option: you now have the option to either send or not send an email notification when unassigning a ticket.
  • Raffle Entries Report:  new fields have been added to the Raffle Entries report:  Email, Phone, Username, Bid Number.  

Bug Fix

  • The attendee report will now properly display invitee and user records. 
  • Bid numbers and custom field answers will now reliably appear within the User Details and Check-In screens. 
  • User experience improved when a non-ticketed user is merged with an invitee. 
  • More time is given to allow for the processing of large orders during checkout. 
  • Phone number validator improved to ensure phone field is not left blank or partially completed by new users. 
  • Ticket status filter logic on Users > Details page has been improved.  Results will include or exclude the proper ticket statuses regardless of user or invitee status. 
  • Resolved an error that occurred when an admin was attempting to update an unconfirmed guest's information during checkin. 

GiveSmart Fundraise

New Feature

  • Reporting Field: Tax Deductible Amount (TDA) is a new field that can be added to transaction reports and will flow through the automated data sync to Donor CRM.


  • Recurring Donor Email: recurring donors with expiring credit cards will see new verbiage in the email which provides a more thorough explanation of their next steps to continue their donation. 
  • GS Event Site Activities: can no longer be deleted from GiveSmart Fundraise to maintain parity between the Events & Fundraise, however the ability to modify the campaign name and move the activity to a new campaign still persist. 
  • Payment Method on Receipts: the payment method variable has been added to donor's receipts and will showcase how their transaction is being paid. (PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, or credit card w/ last 4 digits.)
  • Last Name Required: on all offline donations.  
  • Existing Activities Filter: opening existing activities and choosing GS Event Sites will list all existing GiveSmart Event Sites that link to the dashboard in Events. 
  • Global User Updates: when a Global Admin's contact information or name is updated on GiveSmart Fundraise it will automatically update their single sign-on account in bothEvents & Donor CRM. 
  • Password Security Improvements: new passwords must now contain at least 8 characters, and include 1 of each of the following: 1 upper-case letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number, and 1 special character.
  • Payment Method on Report: the payment method field is now included on the Donor CRM export file. 
  • Email Improvement: the Payment Method variable when included in a receipt or notification email, presents both the credit card type as well as the last 4 digits of the card number.  
  • Year-End Receipts: have been updated to align with the design of the individual transaction receipt.
  • Offline Donations: the offline donation form now has a dropdown for Payment Method, allowing you to select from Cash, Check or Other.

Bug Fix

  • User last names can not be entered using a blank space as the last name. 
  • When opting to include the live event section on a campaign landing page, this will now properly update the live hero section. 
  • When deleting an admin who is also a fundraiser with the same email address, this will no longer break their fundraiser login experience. 
  • Phone number formatting has been made consistent for creating and editing users. 
  • Copy activity user experience has been improved by providing error messages when improper field options have been selected.   
  • Campaign totals for existing campaigns align with reporting numbers. 
  • Preventative measures were added when attempting to enter a discount larger than the total transaction amount.
  • Percentage discounts can not exceed 100% or subceed 0%. 
  • Resolved an error on user sessions who were interacting with Apply Pay.  

GiveSmart Donor CRM

New Feature

  • NCOA Report: a new report allows you to pull all valid national change of address addresses from Donor CRM which can be used to provide to an external mailing provider. 
  • Email Subscription Status: able to create a filter to view the subscribed or unsubscribed status of all listed primary emails. 
  • Email Campaigns: you now have the ability to create ad-hoc custom email campaigns to send to individual or organization contact records. 
  • Primary Email Designation: for contact records with multiple emails, you can now designate a primary email address. 


  • Merge Field Options: tribute fields and custom fields can now be merged into templates when sending thank yous.
  • Advanced Search Functionality: the ability to perform an advanced search with filters has been added to: Send Thank You, Send Pledge Thank You, and End of Year Thank You pages. 

Bug Fix

  • Pages with date range filters will now filter as expected when one of the data fields is empty. 
  • Removed the Household ID field from gift listing export. 
  • When edits are made to the General Ledger, Thank You or Custom Fields, the information in the Campaign, Solicitation and Source ID fields will be retained. 
  • Prevent duplicate campaign and solicitation method codes from being created through the automated data sync process. 
  • Thank you letters will now display properly on iOS devices.