Place a Bid

A single bid can be placed as a one time bid for any amount or auto bids can be placed and set at the maximum amount a user is willing to spend.  Bids can be added to a user's account by org, campaign, or volunteer admins.

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Place a bid 

Place a single bid for a user. Users with a mobile number will automatically receive a text message when they have been outbid.

Tip: Make sure the Items Pageview is set to Admin.
  1. Select View Site.
  2. Click Items page.
  3. Select the silent item.
  4. Enter the user's information.
    • Registered user's names appear in a dropdown to select and pre-populate.
    • Check the "Add user without phone" box to bypass the requirement if the user does not have a mobile number.
    • Registered user's bid numbers assigned appear in a dropdown to select and pre-populate.
  5. Enter the minimum bid amount or higher.
    • The minimum amount automatically pre-populates, but a higher amount can be entered.
  6. Click Bid.

Place an auto bid

With an auto bid, our system will place your bid at the minimum amount needed to lead. When you are outbid, our system will bid automatically for you until your maximum is reached. Users with a mobile number will automatically receive a text message when they have been outbid at their maximum bid amount.  This is a preventative measure for auction sniping.  

Note: Auto bid amounts are not restricted by the incremental raise amount set on an item.
  1. Select the silent item.
  2. Enter the user's information.
  3. Click Auto Bid
  4. Enter the maximum bid amount
    • The minimum amount automatically pre-populates, but the maximum can be entered.
  5. Click Bid.
Note: Users with a valid phone number, receive a text when a bid is placed on their behalf.

Place a bid or purchase an item for yourself as an Admin user

Place a single bid for yourself as an Admin user. 

Tip: Make sure the Items Pageview is set to Admin.
  1. Select View Site.
  2. Click Items page.
  3. Select the item.
  4. Enter your information.
    • Your name will appear in a dropdown to select and pre-populate once you enter the first 3 characters.
  5. Enter the minimum bid amount or higher.
    • The minimum amount automatically pre-populates, but a higher amount can be entered.
  6. Click Bid.
  7. Admin users with a mobile number will automatically receive a text message when they have been outbid.