Checkout a User

Checkout a user's full or partial balance with various payment methods. User's with a valid email added to their account receive an email of their statement once their outstanding balance is paid in full.

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Checkout a user 

Review the user's outstanding balance and secure their payment in their method of choice: cash, check, credit, other, or mark as pledged to pay at a later date. For more information, visit Payment Information.

  1. From the Admin Navigation, click Checkout & Payments > Checkout
  2. Enter the user's name and click Search.
  3. Select Begin Checkout.
  4. Details of their orders appear on the page.
    • Item question answers can be edited.
    • Items can be returned.
  5. Select Make a Payment button.
  6. Select one of the payment types available.
  7. Click Pay.
  8. Click Close to checkout the next user.
Tip: Follow the same steps to update a user from Pledged to Paid.

Checkout a partial balance

Split a payment across two or more credit cards or payment methods by checking out a users partial outstanding balance. 

  1. Go to Users > Checkout.
  2. Enter the user's name and click Search.
  3. Select Begin Checkout.
  4. Select Make Payment.
  5. Select Edit to the right of the outstanding amount.
  6. Enter the payment amount.
  7. Select the payment type.
  8. Click Pay.
Note: All processed credit card payments are subject to 3.95% processing fee for AMEX and 3.5% for all other cards