Total Revenue Display

Create a "Grand Total" display showcasing of all campaign revenue sources or select one or more of the six sources of Silent, Live, Instant, Raffle, Donations, and Votes. Select from the layout options of Left or Right Sidebar or 1 Column. Use the Progress Bar to show the overall amount raised and a percentage of how close that amount is towards your desired revenue goal.

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Create Display

  1. Go to Admin View > Design > Displays.
  2. Click on +New Display.
  3. From the Display Details, click the dropdown arrow in Display Type.
  4. Select Revenue Display
  5. Name the New Revenue Display

Left or Right Sidebar Layout

Divide your Total Revenue display into 2 sections which include a smaller sidebar and a larger main. 



Apply a background color or image that will appear across both the sidebar and main.

Categories to Display

Default to show all custom categories created on Items. To limit the display to revenues created from a single category created, click the desired category from the dropdown of options.

NOTE: If displaying revenue from all categories, then text to donate values will appear in the revenue total.  To exclude text to donate values from the total, select to display only the categories that have been added to the created Donate Item types. 

Left/Right Sidebar

Apply a background color or image that will appear just in the sidebar. Also set the text color for the content in the Top, Middle and Bottom Sections.

Content Options

Select from Title, Title, and Logo. Messages, Ads, Total Donations, and Donations Shuffle

Note: Countdown Clock can be an additional content option if the countdown clock is set to Show within Auction Advanced Settings.

Left/Right Main

Apply a background color or image that will appear just in the main. Also, set the text color for the content.


Progress Bar must be set as the main content. Choose all or selected revenue sources. Set the progress bar to show amount AND percent or Percent Only. To include the progress bar in the display, include your revenue goal.

Note: If a revenue goal is not added, the progress bar will not appear on the display. It would just show the total amount raised per selected sources.

1 Column Display Layout

Divide your Total Revenue display into a header, main and footer to customize. The content set within main portion will be centered.


Apply a background color or image that will appear across both the sidebar and main.

Categories to Display

Default to show all custom categories created on Items. To limit the display to revenues created from a single category created, click the desired category from the dropdown of options.

Header and Footer

Apply a background color or image that will appear just in the sidebar. Also set the text color for the content in the Top, Middle and Bottom Sections.

Content Options

Select from Title, Title, and Logo. Messages, Ads, and Total Donations.

Note: Countdown Clock can be an additional content option if the countdown clock is set to Show within Auction Advanced Settings.


Apply a background color or image that will appear just in the main. Also, set the text color for the content.


Progress Bar must be set as the main content. Choose all or selected revenue sources. Set the progress bar to show amount AND percent or Percent Only. To include the progress bar in the display, include your revenue goal.

Note: If a revenue goal is not added, the progress bar will not appear on the display. It would just show the total amount raised per selected sources.