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Summary section
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Details section
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Report summaries
Breakdown by Auction, Donations, Instant, Live, Raffle Tickets, Tickets, Transaction Fees, and Vote items to see the revenue generated for each item type.
Visit Revenue Report for more information.
Outstanding Balances
Review Unpaid or Pending balances. A pending balance indicates bidding is still occurring on the silent or live item, or the item is not reconciled.
Visit the Outstanding Balance Report for more information.
Payments Received
Cash, check, credit, or other payments are reflected.
Visit Payments Received Report for more information.
Top Items
Review items that generated the most activity by Bidders, Bids, Price, or percentage of FMV.
Visit Top Items Reports for more information.
Top Donors
Review top donors by the number of placed bids or generated revenue.
Visit Top Donors Report for more information.
Registered Users
Campaign registered users. Campaign Admins, Assistants, Checked In Guests, Did Not Check-In Guests, GiveSmart, and Volunteers are listed.
Visit Registered Users Report for more information.
Review the total number of Viewers, Registered Users and Guests on a Presentation Page.
List of all items by type along with their sold and paid status.
Donated By Report
Item donor information along with procurement status.
Watched Items
Users who clicked the star to watch an item from their My Activity.
Visit Items Reports for more information.
Bid History
Review all placed bids by item. Deleted bids appear in the report.
Visit Bid History for more information.
Ticket Orders
All ticket purchasers and confirmed attendees.
All ticket purchasers, along with invited and confirmed attendees are listed. Attendees not assigned a Table Group in Seating Management are included. Answers to ticket questions are visible.
Visit Ticketing Reports for additional information.
Vote History
Review all Vote Items and vote history.
Review all Raffle Items and purchase details.
Batch Report
Review credit card transactions by batch date. The batch date, gross raised, adjustment and fees deducted, reversals, funded amount after deductions, and the attached account is listed.
All Batch Activity
A complete list of all batched credit card transactions.
Visit Batch Report and All Batch Activity for more details.
Greater Giving
Campaign activity in a compatible format for a Greater Giving. First, export a list of your members with their constituent ID’s to properly use this report. A "Supporter Export Filtered with Both Members "export works with the system.
Visit Greater Giving Instructions for more information.
Greater Giving Go Time
Same as above, but uses the updated header of the price for compatibility with the newest version of Greater Giving.
Details of Purchaser, Item, and Payment information. Excludes pending purchases.
Visit Millennium - Exporting Event Purchaser Details Reports for more information.
Detail of Purchaser, Item, and Payment information. Excludes pending purchases.
Visit FR50 - Exporting Event Purchaser Details Report for additional information.
Purchaser Details
All purchaser details, including custom fields as well as activity and payments made on their accounts. See who has paid and who remains unpaid. Includes custom purchaser question responses from order form purchases.