Offering a Donation Appeal, Mission Moment, or any version of a Call for Cash is a great way to let your donors support your cause. There are various methods that could be added to your campaign, which is as easy as creating the donation opportunities, determining the ask moment and method, and securing the payments.
A method of collecting donations at an event in which donors make their donations electronically, right from their smartphones, by selecting created donation opportunities customized on your campaign. Donors will visit the campaign and either select from any of the donation opportunities available to them on the campaign or be directed to specific donation opportunities for a specific goal.
- Donation appeal is introduced in the program.
- A Donate text message, with a personal link, is sent to donors.
- The donor clicks on the link and selects the donation of choice.
- The donor receives a thank you text that the donation was received.
Anyone who did not register or does not have a smartphone can raise their hands to indicate assistance is needed. These donations will be manually entered. New users can also self-register by texting the keyword to 76278, following the prompts to complete registration, then text "Donate $$$" to donate a specific amount. EX: Donate 100 to donate $100.
Feature a donation display when using the electronic method to create energy and provide recognition during the appeal. Visit Donation Displays.
GiveSmart Live Appeal Audit Form.pdf
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Bidder Number (aka Paddle Raise Appeal)
A method of collecting donations at an event in which donors are assigned a specific Bidder Number and are given a physical Bidder Number/Paddle at the event to use for the appeal. Donors will raise their paddles at their desired donation amount. Dedicated scribes will write down all bidder paddle numbers raised at each donation level. Donations made will be entered on the campaign after the numbers are cross-checked for accuracy.
- Bidder paddles are pre-assigned to guests prior to the event or assigned at registration.
- The auctioneer/emcee begins at the highest donation level, inviting guests to raise their paddles.
- Each bidder number is called aloud by the auctioneer/emcee.
- Recorders scribe the bidder numbers on paper with the level noted as the auctioneer is calling them out.
- The process is continued through all donation levels.
- Once all donations have been recorded, have the scribes cross-check their data and then donations are manually applied to the guest's account.
- The donor receives a thank you text that the donation was received once input and that item will appear in their cart.
Hybrid Method
A method of collecting donations at an event which combines portions of the electronic and bidder number methods, without requiring bidder numbers to be assigned. It offers a more personal experience because it recognizes top donors by capturing their donations on the spot, as well as providing lower-level donors the ability to donate electronically.
- A donation appeal is introduced.
- The auctioneer/emcee directs those who wish to donate at the top donation levels to raise their hands.
- Volunteers or Admins approach donors to capture donations manually.
- The process is continued through all top donation levels.
- At the conclusion of the top level, the auctioneer/emcee instructs the remaining guests on how to make an electronic donation.
- A Donate text message, with a personal link, is sent to donors.
- Donor clicks on the link and select donation of choice.
- The donor receives a thank you text that the donation was received.
We encourage a donation display when using the hybrid method, to create energy and provide recognition during the appeal. Visit Donation Displays.