Campaigns (Events)


Access Prior Campaigns
Note: Available for Org Admins only. Follow the steps to access all created campaigns. Access past campaign through the Org Hub All created campaigns are listed in the Campaign tab. Steps to Access Go to Sign in. A list...
Campaign Dashboard Overview
The Dashboard provides a real-time overview of your campaign site with access to settings, tools, and reports. Watch a video Dashboard overview Your organization name and admin pages are above the Dashboard . The campaign name, date, and ...
Campaign Form Overview
Note: Available for Org Admins once the deposit is marked paid. Expand fundraising by creating additional campaigns. Provide basic details about the fundraising opportunity, types of fundraising offered, and if staff members are needed. Campaig...
Copy an Existing Event Site (Campaign)
This guide details how to copy existing Event Sites (Campaigns) with the option to carry over global settings, items, users, and tickets.  The ability to copy Event Sites/Campaigns is available for Org Admins (GiveSmart Events only) or Global Admi...
Create Additional Campaigns (Events)
Note: Available for org admins (for GiveSmart Events only customers) or Global Admin (for GiveSmart Events + Fundraise customers) once the deposit is paid or the annual subscription is paid. Signing a GiveSmart contract provides you a twelve-mo...
Live Activity
From the Live Activity view, monitor the fundraising activity, see upcoming text messages from the queue and enter monetary donations.   Activity Feed View fundraising activity either by source or all. Feed shows the 20 most recent fundraisin...
Pivot to an Online/Virtual Fundraiser
When circumstances change and you have to pivot, we’re here to help you. This article contains areas to consider when transitioning your once in-person fundraiser to an online campaign. Plan Decide on presentation If you planned a presentation su...
Promote & Share Campaign
Get users excited and active on the campaign as early as possible. Promote far and wide to get users registered, engaged in the items, making donations, and more! Tip: Start to promote the campaign 5-7 days prior to your fundraiser. We do ...
Run an Online/Virtual Fundraiser
Host an online campaign for supporters to engage virtually from where ever they are in your mission and fundraising.  Offer items to bid, as well as opportunities to support through merchandise sales, buy-in parties, a virtual wine pull, raffle, or ...
Safely Share your Site Links
Shareable links direct users to areas of your campaign site to engage in the offerings without the association of a specific user. When promoting your campaign site on social media, in communications, or when promoting to a friend, use the shareable...
Ten Steps Prior to Sharing your Site
Before sharing your campaign Website URL with supporters, review the ten steps below to ensure the campaign set up for success. Tip: Only share the link found in the Dashboard > Site Container, never the personal link (the URL at the top of your ...