Add New Users
Register users can be created and added to a campaign in several ways. This can be done themselves or with the assistance of an Admin. Self-register options Register Now on the Home page. Purchasing a ticket from the campaign Order Form or havin...
Add an Admin or Volunteer
User is the default role on a campaign, which gives the registered user access to the event website. Admin access can be provided at the time a user is added to a campaign or updated at a later date. Visit Manage Org Admins to add additional org h...
Assign Bidder Numbers to Users
GiveSmart allows for both manual or auto-assign bidder numbers. GiveSmart does not supply physical paddles or bidder numbers. We recommend using numbers between 100-999. Tip: Multiple guests (couples) can share a bidder number. Auto-assign bid...
Bulk Add or Edit User Custom Fields
Watch a Video Add or Edit Custom Fields for Multiple Users From the Users Container within the Dashboard, click the More button ("···"). Select Manage Users. Click the More button ("···"). Select Bulk Edit Users. Use the Sort by(s) to ...
Edit a Company Donor User
Note: Applicable for company's entered in the Donated By section. Visit Creating an Item for more details. Editing a Company Donor User From the Users Container within the Dashboard, click the More button ("···"). Select Manage Users. Cl...
Filter Campaign Users
Review and manage your campaign users either through filtering by various status options or searching for an individual user. Accessing Filters From the Users Container within the Dashboard, click the More button ("···"). Select Manage Users. S...
Import Users from a Guest List
Users can be imported to a campaign through a user template available within your campaign or found here in this article. A user template upload should be done approximately 24-48 hours prior to the event. Edits to user accounts can always be made p...
Invitee User Account
Note: Invitees only appear on campaigns using GiveSmart Ticketing. Invitees are created when a ticket purchaser assigns a ticket in their order. Purchasers can include name, mobile number, email, and mailing address (optional). With a valid ph...
Manage User Details
Manage supporter accounts by confirming and updating their user details. Re-send the welcome text messages, download statements, or remove a user with no activity on the campaign site. Watch a video Update a user account. Add or update a...
Merge Duplicate User Accounts
Watch a Video There are two methods to manage and merge user accounts duplicated on a campaign. Tip: With GiveSmart ticketing, to merge a duplicate ticketed user, visit Ticket Orders and un-assign the duplicated attendee. Merge User...
Remove a User from an Event Site Updated
This article outlines the steps for removing users with no activity in an Event Site. If a user is linked to any activity on the site (such as purchases, bids, donations, or payments/refunds), the option to remove them will be unavailable. Activit...
User Permissions
As an Admin you may wonder what the difference is between the Admin and User Roles. Who do you assign Admin access to, and what privileges does this give them on your campaign site? The information listed below breaks down the different features ...
User FAQs
How to update a username or password for a user? Visit Edit User Details . Is it possible to delete a user from a campaign? Yes. Visit Removing a User from a Campaign . Can I import the users from the previous year into this campaign? Yes. ...