Org Hub


Organization Hub Overview
Note: Available to Org Admins only. From the hub, access all GiveSmart campaigns created, complete your account setup, add additional org admins, access top-level reporting, and manage or renew your subscription. Note: Your organization nam...
Allow Recurring Donations on a Campaign
Note: Available to Org admins only. Allow supporters to choose if they want their monetary donation to be a one‑time transaction or a monthly recurring transaction. This option can be managed per campaign within the campaign's donation set...
Batch Details across all Campaigns
Note: Available to Org admins only. Running multiple fundraising campaigns simultaneously or looking to see the details for all batch dates for all campaigns run? Review the details of a batch date to identify which campaign generated the reven...
Batch Reporting for Recurring Transactions
Note: Available to Org admins only. Review merchant account funding details from batch reports containing completed recurring donations only. Locate Go to  Org Hub >  Reports. Select  Recurring Transactions. Review...
Batch Reports Across all Campaigns
Note: Available to Org admins only. Locate Go to Org Hub > Reports. Select Batch Report. Review batch reports Funds received from credit card payments are batched together by the credit card processor and deposited into your bank...
Campaign Item Stats Report
Note : Available to Org Admins only.  View items from all events within your organization.  This can be used to align item or ticket naming conventions, pricing, # of attendees per ticket type, identify duplicate items and more. ...
Campaigns Page Overview
Note: Available to Org admins only. Access all created and future GiveSmart campaigns, complete your account setup, manage your terms and conditions as well as the additional Org Hub settings. Note: Once a campaign is created in your Org...
Campaign Site Settings
View all event site settings within your organization.  This can be used to review site status, align contact field requirements, ensure processing fee percentages persist from event to event and more.   Locate Go to  Org ...
Create a Custom Purchase Report
Note: Available to Org admins only. Create a custom report based on purchases for one or more campaigns within your Org Hub. Watch a video Locate Go to Org Hub > Reports . Select Custom Report . Create a report Save, sche...
Export Batch Reports across all Campaigns
Note: Available to Org admins only. Running multiple fundraising campaigns simultaneously or looking to see the details for all batch dates for all campaigns run? Review the details of a batch date to identify which campaign generated the reve...
Inventory for Received Items
Note: Available to Org admins only. We don't recommend using Inventory when entering fundraising items for a specific campaign. Inventory is reserved for items received but not yet intended to use for a specific campaign. Track and manage f...
Manage your GiveSmart Account
Note: Available to Org admins only. Manage your GiveSmart subscription from the Account page, which shows agreement dates, subscription start and end dates, subscription status, and a link to view the agreement. When it's time to renew reac...
Managing Completed Recurring Transactions
Note: Available to Org admins only. Review all completed recurring donations. Sort by date, donor name, origin (campaign where initial donation is located), donation amount, and status. Download as a CSV report. Visit the Recurring Transaction...
Managing Org Admins
Note: Available to org admins only. Org admin is the highest admin-level which gives access to the Org Hub to manage all past, present, and future fundraising and can manage the GiveSmart account. Only org admins can manage other org admins....
Managing Scheduled Recurring Transactions
Note: Available to Org admins only. Review all scheduled donations. Sort by date, donor name, origin (campaign initial donation was made), donation amount, and frequency. Download as a CSV report. Locate  Go to  Org Hub > ...
Org Hub: Reports Page Overview
Note: The feature is available to Org Admin users only. Review org-level reporting for top donors based on the total amount contributed across all campaigns, merchant account funding details from batch reports containing recurring donations onl...
Review Top Donors across all Campaigns
Note: Available to Org admins only. Highlights top donors based on the total amount contributed to your organization through a GiveSmart campaign. Locate Go to  Org Hub >  Reports. Select  Top Donors. Review Click ...
Transactions Page Overview
Note: Available to Org admins only. When accepting recurring donations within a campaign the initial donation is part of the campaign revenue. All subsequent donations are managed from the Transaction page.   From Transactions S...
Using Google Analytics Tracking
Note: Available to Org admins only. Analyze user engagement, such as the number of users who visit the site, number of page views, source clicks, device views, and more by including your Google Tag ID from your Google Analytics 4 properties. ...
View All Campaign Users
Note: Available to Org admins only. Review supporters who completed registration across all campaigns. See contact information secured and username assigned as well.  Watch a video Locate Go to Org Hub > Users. ...