Site Settings

The Site Settings allow you to:

  • Brand your Event Site's Home page with your Org Logo.
  • Set a custom display name to be featured on the home page, welcome text, and invoices.
  • Establish a Keyword for text registrations and site URL customization. 
  • Add your organization's website as required for donors to bid and buy items via text message.

Locate the Site Settings

From the Site Container within the Dashboard, click the More button ("···").

Select Settings.



Upload Logo by clicking choose File. Once the image is selected, click Upload Image.

The logo appears on the Home page, receipts, displays, and automated emails.

  • Maximum Image File Size: 1 MB
  • Recommended Image Size: 300 x 300 pixels

Organization website

Link the logo to the Organization's website.

Site Information

Display Name

The Display Name appears on the Home page, Displays, and any page footers. It also populates into the "Hosted By" field. Max of 160 characters.

Name for Text Messages

Featured in the Welcome Text and on receipts. Twenty-two characters max.

State date/time

Enter the campaign fundraising start and end date and time. If the event spans multiple days, select the first date applicable.

Site Visibility

This is what will allow supporters to view and interact with the Event Site. Select Show to reveal your site when ready.


Customize the Keyword

The Keyword determines the Event Site's URL and is used for guests to register via text message. Keywords are unique to Event Sites. 

NOTE: Keywords are a minimum of 3 digits, and up to 15 alphanumeric characters (no special characters). HELP, GIVE, or STOP will be unavailable keywords as they are reserved for other actions.

Set the Text Engine

The Text Engine is the phone number GiveSmart uses to send text messages. Short Code USA (76278) is the default.


IMPORTANT: Events hosted in Puerto Rico and Canada require a 10-digit text engine. Long Code USA or Canada should be the selected text engine.

The Text Engine phone number appears on the bottom of item sheets and in displays informing the guests to text in for registration or donations.

If the Text Engine is adjusted, be sure to review any custom displays or printed item sheets for accuracy in advance of your event.