Managing Scheduled Recurring Transactions

Note: Available to Org admins only.

Review all scheduled donations. Sort by date, donor name, origin (campaign initial donation was made), donation amount, and frequency. Download as a CSV report.


  1. Go to Org HubTransactions.
  2. Click Scheduled.
  3. Select a transaction to open the details.
    • Review the donor's contact information, origin, amount, frequency, and schedule date.
      • To edit details, visit the origin campaign.
    • Remove a card from a scheduled recurring transaction.
    • Add a card for a scheduled recurring transaction.

Note: Select an existing card attached to the user's account within the origin campaign or enter a new card.


Choose to edit or cancel any scheduled transactions.

Locate actions

  1. Select a transaction to open the details.
  2. Click Actions.
  3. Choose Edit Scheduler or Cancel Transaction.

Edit scheduler

Adjust scheduled and all future transactions.

  1. Select a transaction to open the details.
  2. Click ActionsEdit Scheduler.
  3. Adjust the Amount.
  4. When you've finished, click Save.

Cancel transaction

Cancel scheduled and all future transactions.

  1. Select a transaction to open the details.
  2. Click ActionsCancel Transaction.
  3. Click Cancel Transaction.