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  1. Sending Text Messages

    Notify supporters with a text message to keep fundraising details such as the auction is open for bidding, tickets are available for purchase, ask for a donation, highlight items, congratulate auction winners, prompt to pay an outstanding balance, a...
  2. Templated Preset Text Messages

    Within each campaign there are templated text messages to preselected groups of users, containing key information or instructions, which are helpful to send before, during, and after events.  Send a templated text From the Admin Navigation...
  3. Invitee User Account

    Note: Invitees only appear on campaigns using GiveSmart Ticketing. Invitees are created when a ticket purchaser assigns a ticket in their order. Purchasers can include name, mobile number, email, and mailing address (optional). With a valid ph...
  4. Create Ads and Announcements

    Include ads on your Item pages, Donate pages, Displays or on your Home page to recognize and promote your sponsors, highlight items, promote and link to upcoming events, link to social media pages, and much more. You choose which individual ads will...
  5. Exports Reports

    Various reports are available to export details of purchasers, Item, and payment activity on their account. See who has paid and who remains unpaid. Access Export Reports From the Admin Navigation , select Reports > Overview .  Scrol...
  6. Export from GiveSmart Events to Donor CRM

    Copy your reporting data from GiveSmart Events to GiveSmart Donor CRM with a few simple clicks. Settle Remaining Balances The first step is to ensure there are no outstanding balances for your event.  View the Outstanding Balances report by...
  7. Create Ticket to Purchase

    Create tickets or sponsor packages to purchase from the Home page order form or a custom page with an order form . Assign seats from Seating Management with GiveSmart ticketing. Watch a video Create a ticket From the Tickets conta...
  8. Transactions Page Overview

    Note: Available to Org admins only. When accepting recurring donations within a campaign the initial donation is part of the campaign revenue. All subsequent donations are managed from the Transaction page.   From Transactions S...
  9. Pass Fees to Purchaser

    When choosing to accept credit card payments, a fee per transaction is charged to the organization. Fees passed and paid by the purchaser are found in the Transaction section of the Revenue Report . The collected funds help to offset the fees ...
  10. Include Custom Fields on User Accounts

    User accounts allow you to capture the user's full name, mobile phone, email, and mailing address. In addition to these standard fields, you can choose to include bid numbers and/or customized fields. Custom fields may be visible to the user vi...