Updated Articles

  1. Issue a Refund to a User

    Org, campaign, and volunteer admins can issue refunds to users who purchased an item on the campaign that was returned post payment.   Visit Return an Order for a Users Account for the steps to return the item before issuing the refund. ...
  2. Campaign Item Stats Report

    Note : Available to Org Admins only.  View items from all events within your organization.  This can be used to align item or ticket naming conventions, pricing, # of attendees per ticket type, identify duplicate items and more. ...
  3. Statement and Receipt FAQs

    What Is the difference between a statement and a receipt? Statement : A statement is generated for any user with activity. User activity includes ticket orders, instant, vote or raffle item purchases, auction winnings, and donations. Statements ...
  4. Submit a Product Suggestion

    Product Suggestion Policy Here at GiveSmart we love to hear how our platform can better suit your fundraising needs.  If you find yourself wishing we had a certain feature, or have a suggestion on how a current feature could be improved, we wa...
  5. Manage User Details

    Manage supporter accounts by confirming and updating their user details. Re-send the welcome text messages, download statements, or remove a user with no activity on the campaign site. Watch a video Update a user account. Add or update a...
  6. Volunteer Training

    To prepare your volunteers, share the following materials. Watch Volunteer Training . Send the reference guide. Download Volunteer Reference Guide Share the profile. Download Volunteer Profile Provide any additional fundraiser-spec...
  7. Event Equipment Rental (iPads & Swipers)

    GiveSmart is accessible through a browser from any device.  Visiting www.givesmart.com and click 'Platform Login' in the top right, or the campaign's website URL, and sign in which allows you access to the campaign based on your...
  8. Send Assignment or Confirmation Reminders

    Send reminders to encourage purchasers who have unassigned tickets to update their orders with the names of those attending or a reminder encouraging attendees who have yet to confirm their tickets to accept their invitation to attend. Watch a vide...
  9. Keyword Strategies

    The keyword you choose when you set up a new GiveSmart event can have a vital impact on the overall success.  This document will cover keyword best practices, common mistakes, and help you determine the extent to which your keyword selection ...
  10. Security Reminders

    Our short code provider prohibits sending any content that is illegal, harmful, unwanted, inappropriate, objectionable, confirmed to be criminal misinformation, or otherwise poses a threat to the public, even if the content is permissible by law.&nb...