New Articles

  1. Download Item Details

    Download items details in a CSV report, which can assist in creating a printed program, pamphlet or booklet. Watch a Video Access Download Item Details Note: Images and YouTube videos are not included in the download. From the Items...
  2. Items Page Filters

    Watch a Video Access Item Filters From the Items Container within the Dashboard, click the More button ("···"). Select Manage Items. Filter Items Click the  Filter By dropdown. Select the f...
  3. Create a Custom Purchase Report

    Note: Available to Org admins only. Create a custom report based on purchases for one or more campaigns within your Org Hub. Watch a video Locate Go to Org Hub > Reports . Select Custom Report . Create a report Save, sche...
  4. Item Sheet FAQs

    Can I see examples of both types of item sheets? Advanced Item Sheet Examples. Default header and footer. Custom header and footer. Basic Item Sheet Examples. Default header and footer. Custom header and footer. Why...
  5. Export Reporting for CRM Upload

    The CRM upload requirements determine the series of steps to be taken. The path to successfully upload the reporting data will be determined by the CRM requirement surrounding the CRM ID, however, the first step will remain the same for any CRM. W...
  6. Greater Giving

    Export and import data when integrating with Greater Giving. Export Users Provide GiveSmart with the export of all users 2 days prior to the event. The export that works with our platform is “A Supporter Export Filtered with Both Members.&r...
  7. Inventory for Received Items

    Note: Available to Org admins only. We don't recommend using Inventory when entering fundraising items for a specific campaign. Inventory is reserved for items received but not yet intended to use for a specific campaign. Track and manage f...
  8. Managing Completed Recurring Transactions

    Note: Available to Org admins only. Review all completed recurring donations. Sort by date, donor name, origin (campaign where initial donation is located), donation amount, and status. Download as a CSV report. Visit the Recurring Transaction...
  9. Managing Scheduled Recurring Transactions

    Note: Available to Org admins only. Review all scheduled donations. Sort by date, donor name, origin (campaign initial donation was made), donation amount, and frequency. Download as a CSV report. Locate  Go to  Org Hub > ...
  10. View All Campaign Users

    Note: Available to Org admins only. Review supporters who completed registration across all campaigns. See contact information secured and username assigned as well.  Watch a video Locate Go to Org Hub > Users. ...