New Articles

  1. Delete a Bid or Auto Bid

    Org, campaign, and volunteer admins can delete bids, auto-bids, or purchases from an item's history and a user's cart. Delete a bid Delete a silent item bid from the item's history. Tip: Deleted bids are seen in the Bid History report. Go ...
  2. Import Donors from Millennium

    Once the donor list is exported from Millennium, make a few adjustments to ensure that the donor list uploads successfully. Note: Reach out to our Support with additional questions. Example of Exported Donor List By moving and re-naming a...
  3. Add an Item for Purchase to a Supporters Cart

    Add Instant, raffle , and vote items to a supporter's cart. Once added, payment can be made either through self-checkout or with assistance from an admin from Checkout .  Note:  This applies to all instant, raffle or vote items with the Check...
  4. Add a YouTube Video

    Include one YouTube video to display under the 'Watch This Item' section on the Items Page.  Note:  YouTube videos can impact page load time. The best practice is to limit the number of videos added. Add to an Item Videos must be hosted on...
  5. Items Page Filters

    Watch a Video Access Item Filters From the Items Container within the Dashboard, click the More button ("···"). Select Manage Items. Filter Items Click the  Filter By dropdown. Select the filters. The checkmark next to the filter...
  6. Create a Custom Purchase Report

    Note: Available to Org admins only. Create a custom report based on purchases for one or more campaigns within your Org Hub. Watch a video Locate Go to Org Hub > Reports . Select Custom Report . Create a report Save, schedul...
  7. Upload Items Spreadsheet

    Bulk upload items on to your campaign using GiveSmart's item type specific templates. Watch a Video Access Templates From the Items Container within the Dashboard, click the More button ("···"). Select Manage Items. Click the More b...
  8. Item Creation Recommendations

    Review some GiveSmart recommendations before creating your items. Item Ratio A 5-1 ratio of people to items aids in creating competition and driving up selling prices. Starting Bid GiveSmart recommends 50% of the FMV for silent items. For co...
  9. Item Sheet FAQs

    Can I see examples of both types of item sheets? Advanced Item Sheet Examples. Default header and footer. Custom header and footer. Basic Item Sheet Examples. Default header and footer. Custom header and footer. Why...
  10. Export Reporting for CRM Upload

    The CRM upload requirements determine the series of steps to be taken. The path to successfully upload the reporting data will be determined by the CRM requirement surrounding the CRM ID, however, the first step will remain the same for any CRM. W...