New Articles

  1. Purchase a Ticket

    Purchasing a ticket on a GiveSmart campaign will secure your attendance, complete your registration and give you an opportunity to purchase additional items or make a donation. Note: The recording is presented from a laptop. The layout adjusts t...
  2. Welcome Guide

    Watch the Welcome Webinar   Welcome Guide Download Welcome Guide ...
  3. Batch Details across all Campaigns

    Note: Available to Org admins only. Running multiple fundraising campaigns simultaneously or looking to see the details for all batch dates for all campaigns run? Review the details of a batch date to identify which campaign generated the reven...
  4. Register, Buy, Bid & Instructions

    Instructions to register, buy, bid, and donate to help users achieve the best giving experience. Instructions can be sent or printed for users, to make the giving experience fun and easy. How it Works (including by Text) One sheet document with in...
  5. Online/Virtual Fundraiser Checklist

    Quick Reference Outline for Online/Virtual Events. This outline provides links to GiveSmart Help Center resources to help you plan and execute your  fundraising event.   If you need some extra help integrating GiveSmart into your e...
  6. Onsite Event Checklist

    Quick Reference Outline for Onsite Events   This outline provides links to GiveSmart Help Center resources to help you plan and execute your in-person fundraising event.   If you need some extra help integrating Giv...
  7. Bulk Enter Silent Auction Winners

    Note: The following feature is recommended for paper bidding only. Bulk Enter Winning Bidders Follow the steps for each silent item you will be bulk entering the winning bidder. From the Items Container within the Dashboard, click the More...
  8. Import Donors from FR50

    Importing donors from the FR50 Software to a campaign is quick and easy. Export donor list from FR50 and make a few minor adjustments to the report to ensure that the donor list is uploaded successfully. Note: Reach out to Support with additiona...
  9. Export Purchaser Detail Report for FR50

    The Purchaser Details report allows an admin to import the information back into FR50. Export FR50 reports From the  Admin Navigation , select  Reports >  Overview . Scroll down to Export Section on the left (it will be near ...
  10. Import Donors from Millennium

    Once the donor list is exported from Millennium, make a few adjustments to ensure that the donor list uploads successfully. Note: Reach out to our Support with additional questions. Example of Exported Donor List By moving and re-naming a...