Updated Articles

  1. Users Settings Overview

    Capture the user's full name, mobile phone, email, and mailing address. In addition to these standard fields, include two additional fields to customize and include, which can be visible to the user via their “My Info” page. Additio...
  2. Image Recommendations and Restrictions

    Design Center Home Page Banner Recommended image size is 1200 x 300 pixels with a maximum file size of 1 MB. Images that do not fit these dimensions can be uploaded, but might not be optimized for both the desktop and mobile views.  Ba...
  3. Registered Users Report

    See all campaign users. View their names, contact information, the revenue they generated, and the number of placed bids. Get insight on which users were checked in through GiveSmart, the time it occurred, and who checked them in. Watch a video ...
  4. Purchaser Detail Report

    Includes date and time of purchase, purchaser, bid number, item number, item type, item name, the purchase amount, FMV, and purchaser's contact information. Payment details are also included, providing the payment amount and method. Excludes pen...
  5. Batch Report

    Overview of all credit card transactions grouped as a batch, and deposited in your bank account attached to the Merchant Account . View the date payments are deposited, gross raised, adjustment and fees deducted, reversals, and the amount funded af...
  6. Champion FAQs

    Can a champion customize their fundraising page? Yes. Champions can edit the page title, goal amount, champion image, and the content section on their fundraising page. The style and color of the fundraising page are determined by the parent ca...
  7. Review Champion Fundraising Revenue

    Donations made on champion fundraiser's personal fundraising pages can be reviewed and tracked both by the champion as well as the org and campaign admin on the associated campaign.  Reviewing donations As a champion Champion fundraisers...
  8. Customize a Champion's Personal Fundraising Page

    Champion fundraisers and campaign admins can customize personal fundraising pages. The related campaigns banner , style and color , and donation levels appear on each champion's personal fundraising page to create a consistent look for all c...
  9. Create Champion Fundraisers

    Champions are individuals committed to the goal of raising funds on behalf of your organization. Champion personal fundraising pages can be shared with supporters by champion's sharing their personal page URL with their family and friends or thr...
  10. Manage Receipts and Tax Letters

    Watch a video Download a PDF of all Users Receipts and Tax Letters From the Admin  Navigation , select Checkout & Payments > Statements & Receipts Select Generate Receipts with Tax Letter When PDF file is complet...