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  1. Bid History

    Track all silent item bids placed from the time the items are available for bidding until closed. Locate From the Admin Navigation, select Reports > Overview .  Select Bid History .  Summary report Breakdown of each placed bid. The da...
  2. Managing how User Names Appear in the Item History

    Each item detail displays a history of bids or purchases. Choose how history appears to users. Set item history  Go to the  Admin View  >  Dashboard From the  Users container, click the  More button ( "···" ). Choose  Settings. Set bidder...
  3. Create a Champion Ranking by Donation Revenue Display

    Note: To utilize the Champion Ranking by Donation Revenue display option, you must also be using the Champion features within the campaign Create a  revenue display that showcases monetary donations received and ranked by champion fundraisers. ...
  4. Delete a Raffle Purchase for a Supporter

    Delete a raffle purchase from a user’s account.  How to delete The raffle purchase is deleted from the user's account along with any possible answers provided at the time of purchase. The answer is deleted from the campaign. The raffle entry numbe...
  5. 2023 Q1 & Q2

    Interoperability Improvements These improvements are applicable for customers who own 2 or more GiveSmart modules.  To see improvements for GiveSmart Fundraise & Donor CRM, click here .  Restrict Non-SSO Admin from Creating a New Event ...
  6. Delete a Ticket Type

    Delete created ticket types from the campaign. If a ticket has been sold, that type is no longer able to be deleted. Delete a Ticket Type From the Tickets Container within the Dashboard, click the More button ("···"). Select Settings. Locate th...
  7. GiveSmart Applications FAQ

    What are GiveSmart Fundraise, Events, and Donor CRM? formerly known as MobileCause formerly known as GiveSmart formerly known as SimplyFundraisingCRM How will I differentiate which platform I am using? The platforms are not changing t...
  8. Duplicate an Item

    Create an exact replica of an existing item, without re-typing all of the item details. Note: Created items, added to a package, cannot be duplicated. Watch a Video View Admin: Items From the Items Container within the Dashboard, cl...
  9. Managing Recurring Transactions Updated

    This guide details how to manage and cancel recurring payments within the GiveSmart Events Org Hub.  Note: Available to Org Admins only. Navigate to the  Org Hub > Transactions From here, you will see a list of upcoming recurring ...
  10. Transactions Page Overview

    Note: Available to Org admins only. When accepting recurring donations within a campaign the initial donation is part of the campaign revenue. All subsequent donations are managed from the Transaction page.   From Transactions See a ...