Popular Articles

  1. Item Sheets

    Share item details for users who are physically browsing items. Customize and generate item sheets or bid sheets once item details are complete. Watch a Video Item Sheets From the Items Container within the Dashboard, click the More ...
  2. Section and Page Templates

    Use these templates to create sections and pages highlighting the details of your campaign. Note:  Please exercise caution when using these templates. Assistance is limited in our ability to help resolve any issues as a result of your custom...
  3. Set your Terms and Conditions

    The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) took effect on May 25, 2018. Due to the GDPR, organizations must provide terms and conditions to inform users of their rights with respect to personal data protection. These terms and conditions will be ...
  4. Place a Bid

    A single bid can be placed as a one time bid for any amount or auto bids can be placed and set at the maximum amount a user is willing to spend.   Bids can be added to a user's account by org, campaign, or volunteer admins. Watch a video ...
  5. Manage a User's Credit Card

    We understand the importance of having a sense of security and confidence when it comes to managing your user’s credit card information. Secure Pre-Event Require users to have a credit card to bid, purchase, or donate. Credit Card Req...
  6. Sell Instant and Raffle Items through an Order Form

    Sell instant and raffle items through the Home page order form or a page with an order form .  Purchasers are required to pay on a credit card at the time of purchase and are not required to register on the campaign. Visit Purchase Items i...
  7. Manage User Details

    Manage supporter accounts by confirming and updating their user details. Re-send the welcome text messages, download statements, or remove a user with no activity on the campaign site. Watch a video Update a user account. Add or update a...
  8. Promote & Share Campaign

    Get users excited and active on the campaign as early as possible. Promote far and wide to get users registered, engaged in the items, making donations, and more! Tip: Start to promote the campaign 5-7 days prior to your fundraiser. Prior to ...
  9. Multiple Fundraising Products CardConnect Batch and Fees

    This article is intended for organizations who own 2 or more GiveSmart Fundraising Products, including any combination of GiveSmart Events, Fundraise or Donor CRM.   NOTE : If you are a customer who uses GiveSmart Events Only, please refer t...
  10. Update a Pledge Payment

    Pledged payments are considered outstanding balances and located in the unpaid section of the Outstanding Balances Report . When the payment is received, it can be updated, no longer reflecting as an outstanding balance, but as payment received ....